
Making Sense of Jane Austen

Last night I watched the movie "Jane Austen Book Club".  It was a great chick flick (although there were intriguing male characters as well).  It really appealed to all my senses including but not limited to:  books, girlfriends, relationships, and of course a happy ending. As the title would suggest it was based around a world immersed in the words of Ms. Jane Austen.

One thing this movie made me want to do was to pick up a Jane Austen novel and finish it.  Yes, I am guilty of not being able to get through her books.  Why?  I don't understand!  I love the movies about  her books, and I think she's totally fascinating.  Just as with many of you, I do consider her one of my heroes.  I totally love Jane Austen, I just can't seem to get through her writing.

This is an absolute tragedy, I know.  But please, don't be appalled at my confession.  I want to turn my life around!  I am absolutely determined to get through her books.  All of them.  I own Pride and Prejudice so I will make that one my first priority.  As soon as I finish my current reading choice (Emma Smith:  Mormon Enigma) my plan is to immerse myself into Jane Austen's creations.  One word at a time.

I would love to know what has stirred some of you into reading her novels.  What is it about Jane Austen that makes so many people tick?  After SO MANY LONG LIFE CHANGING YEARS, why oh why is she as popular as ever?  How can a writer stand that test of time?  She is incredible.  It's undeniable.  I am looking forward to finally clicking with the Jane Austen world!


  1. Hi!

    I'm visiting from over at ~Southern Style~. I am now your newest follower. I look forward to getting to know you! Hope you are enjoying a beatiful Sunday! Candace~♥

  2. Hi. I'm visiting from Southern Style too!

    Recommending that you try Sense and Sensibility before P&P. I loved it! Don't rush through the book. Enjoy Austen's cleverness and writing style. Then read Emma. I really recommend reading a book before watching the movie. Then, when you do watch Emma, watch the Gwynneth Paltrow one. She is perfect as Emma! IMHO. ;-)

  3. I love the recommendation to enjoy and savor Austen's writing. I have begun and I realize right off the bat that these stories aren't to be devoured, but rather treated to the luxury of our thiking mind. So far so good, I'm actually really enjoying her work this time around...wish me luck:O)

  4. Hi! I'm stopping by from Monday Mingle. I struggle with making it through Austen's writing too.

  5. I agree older styles of writing are harder to digest, so I get them in audio format and listen while I iron. :O)
